Great Renovating Tips to Add Value to Your Home

How often do we look around our homes and think of all the changes we want to make or alter so our home looks how we want it to be?  Stop thinking and start putting a ‘Reno’ action plan in order.  Even though you mightn’t be able to accomplish everything straight away, at least you have an outline and can start tackling the different projects one by one. Your dreams have more chance of becoming a reality when they can be seen in black and white.

They go from being a thought to a certain possibility.

Before you get started, have a look at the following helpful tips for renovations:

1. Plan Plan Plan

Consider all the renovation work you would like to do and break it down into smaller projects focusing on one area of your home at a time. By doing this, your renovation becomes a lot more manageable.  Also, prioritise what you need to do.  Concentrating on safety aspects is an important area to start.

2. What’s Your Limit?

Take the time to work out what your budget is, so you know exactly how much you can spend. Then allocate what monies can be spent on different aspects of your renovation.

3. Know the Facts and Know Your Options

Before you start buying anything or doing any work, research what you need to know with regards to what your local council’s regulations are for renovations and home improvements.  Also have a flick through magazines and click on blogs and websites that have great ideas and options for your project. You’ll get an idea of what you like and what you don’t.

4. First Impressions Matter

One idea for where to start on home improvements is on the exterior of your home and property and work your way to the interior.  Think about how your home would have that resort-type feel with new fencing such as glass balustrades around your yard, swimming pool and/or exterior stairwells. Consider using this on verandahs, balconies and decks. Of course glass balustrades compliment the classiness of your home when used on interior stairwells as well.

5. Light and Airy

No one likes walking into a stuffy, dark home. Work out ways to allow more air-flow and natural light into your home. You want to feel free, relaxed and calm.

6. Room to Move

If your budget allows the addition of an extension of any type, verandah, deck, balcony, or another room, then you will certainly add value to your home. As mentioned before, have a look at the wow factor glass balustrades can add to your extension. You will also feel like you have a new home and you didn’t even have the hassle of needing to move. Think about the fun you will have setting up your new addition.

7. Free Yourself

Follow the rule that if you haven’t used something in a year, then do you really need it? Have a thorough sort through any unwanted or unused items that you have accumulated over the years and get rid of them. Whether you hire a skip, take a trip to the tip, have a garage sale, an online sale or donate to charity, that stuff needs to go. Just think, the money you make from any sales will only help with your renovation.

8. For The Big Jobs – Professionals Only

Definitely have a go at the small stuff, meaning the jobs that you are able or qualified to do, go ahead and enjoy working on them. However, the big jobs, the complicated ones, don’t attempt to do them. Hire a professional to handle those jobs. You’ll have a professional looking result and yours and your family’s safety won’t be at risk.

9. Small Changes = More Value

Think about the smaller changes you can make to add value to your home. Adding a garden, placing a few beautiful pot plants in specific areas, a new coat of paint, changing the light fittings, doona covers or window dressings will all add to that desired ‘new’ feel. The great thing about making small changes is that your budget will still be intact.

There you have it – 9 great tips for you to consider when making your renovation plans.  Have fun, research, know your budget and stay safe.

2016-10-10T21:02:17+10:00October 11th, 2016|

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